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Lake Terrace Announcements and Reminders

Summary of the Lake Terrace Property Owners Annual Membership Meeting:

  1. 2025 Lake Terrace Property Owners Board:

    Sue Welch, Charlie Ruello, Michelle Reeves, Miros Provenzano, Zach Philip, Marc Landry, Bryan Jefferson, and Ashley Haspel. (Board Positions are chosen internally among board members)

  2. Zoning Change: Lake Terrace's zoning has changed from Single Family Residential (S-RS) to Lake Vista and Lake Shore Single-Family Residential District(S-LRS2).

  3. 6419 Caldwell Lawsuit: LTPOA vs. The City of New Orleans and Eric Hernandez on February 3, 2025 our case went before the Fourth Circut Court Of Appeal State of Louisiana parties submitted breifs, no oral arguements were heard. Now we await the decision of the court. If we win we go back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) for the City of New Orleans. For those unaware of the suit, a second address was given to the property based on shower tile photos from the 80's. We appealed to the BZA and lost on a technicality, we then appealed again in Civil District Court and the other parties did not agree with the decision and took us to the Fourth Circut. We are and always have been SINGLE FAMILY since our inception by the state of Louisiana. We adhere to State and City Laws where the most restrictive is supposed to be followed.

  4. Neighborhood Restrictions:

    These restrictions apply to all property in Lake Terrace

    •Provide for more green space than most other neighborhoods in New Orleans

    •Impact the quality of life in Lake Terrace

    •LTPOA works with our neighbors and the Lakefront Management Authority to make sure residents are in compliance with restrictions

    All Building Plans, Fencing, Generators etc… MUST be sent to the Lakefront Management Authority (LMA) BEFORE  the City of New Orleans.

    •If approved, you will receive a Letter of No Objection (LNO) from the LMA that you then take to the City

    •The City of New Orleans will not approve any plans without the LNO, and you will be sent back to the Lakefront Management Authority to start the process over again.

    Lakefront Management Authority, Louis Capo - Director.

    (504) 355-5990

  5. If you receive a message from WIX which is our web host, saying your membership was cancelled, your credit card payment did not go through. Your card may have expired. We do NOT cancel you. You will need to enter a new card.

  6. The City of New Orleans offers emails on many topics from street closures, emergency alerts, construction, and more. Anyone can sign up. Go to scroll way down the page and you will see

Click the blue button that says subscribe and you will be taken to a new window that will allow you to pick if you want to receive the updates via email or text.


If you have questions, concerns, suggestions or would like to get involved please email us at


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